Harry potter as a guardian/father


All of these stories have harry potter as a father or guardian for a child. Some of these stories do contain slash so if you don't like that then just skip over them. There are plenty of genreral and het stories so there is no reason to leave.
Last Update: January 16, 2008

Call Me Mr Potter! » by pokari
Harry is a mediwizard especially for children and he is now working as a nanny for Draco’s twins.

Harry's Baby Boy by Danu3
Harry leaves the Dursleys this year with a two year old in tow. Can one seventeen year old handle an energetic toddler? What if said seventeen year old carried the world on his shoulders? Will be HPDM in later chapters. COMPLETE!

L'air ne fait pas la chanson » by bidule1
A strange boy enters Harry's life at a most inopportune time. His efforts must focus fully on destroying the Horcruxes but this child plus one Draco Malfoy make it difficult. Will they unexpectedly prove to be more blessing than curse?Full summary inside

Little Steps » by Heather68
COMPLETE. A potions accident turns our middle aged potions master into a baby. Now, Harry is expected to look after young Severus until the potion wears off

Little Steps: Revised by Heather68
A potions accident turned Snape into a toddler, and now Harry is expected to look after a young Severus until the potion wears off.

Meeting the Family » by Bleudiablo
Harry goes to see Dursley and comes away with a brand new bouncing baby boy. Twist to all the normal ones. MPEG and Severus, Harry friendship, implied HPDM in the past. Chapter 21 Rosalyn

My little Serpent by SolcieNTalin
Complete! Process of revising! The 5th book never happened! It's the summer to Harry Potter's 5th year and something gets dropped off on his doorstep. Surprise Surprise the little boy is named Tom!

Raising Teddy by cassieRN
The war is over and everyone is getting back into their own lives. Harry Potter is handed a gift that no one would ever imagine him receiving at such a young age. A baby, Teddy Lupin. As Harry was named godfather he has to figure out how to raise this child , even when he is still a child himself. Read as Harry and Ginny take on the responsibility even when both are trying to finish their last year at Hogwarts and get their lives back.

Second Chance » by animealam
“Severus!” Albus called through the rocks. He hoped the young wizard was merely blocked from accessing the outside part of the collapse. “Severus, are you all right?” NOT SLASH

To Life Again by Silverthreads
No time travel nor potions accident, but Severus Snape returns as a child. Harry Potter, a professor at Hogwarts with children of his own, is the only one who understands.

To the Moon » by VCCV
Draco is turned into a child. Harry takes care of him. ::COMPLETE::

The Youngest Resident of Hogwarts by alliekatgal
Harry's muggle girlfriend wants to put their baby up for adoption. Instead, Harry brings the baby back to Hogwarts, and finds Snape to be unexpectedly helpful. Warning: will be HPSS pairing, slash ahead. Completed.

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These are not my personal stories. No money is being made from this. It is for entertainment purposes only.